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Reference farm

Get to know our reference farm: Deer Trophy Farm.

Deer Trophy Farm makes the selection of red deer for more than a decade according to antler growth. This period inspired us to create Trophy-MAX and Vital-MAX. 3-year-old stags usually build antlers of 6-7 kg, turning to 9-10 kg to the 4th year. The farm also sells breeding animals to improve the quality of other populations.


On-farm studies- Hair analysis – Mineral supplies

We started from the mineral content of hair during the evaluation of Cervi Granulated Feed, thus we were curious about the mineral supplies of last months For creating these products, the mineral content of red deer hair from different sexes and ages were compared in a special gene-preserve area in 2018.

What is the mineral content of open-field and on-farm hair samples?

Figures below represent the on-farm results taken into account as 100%, there are huge differences regarding deficiency of macroelements. Deer on-farm did not consume the supplementary feeding ad libitum.

Low concentrations of Ca and P content of the hair samples are highly visible. Not just the amount but the proportion of these macroelements are important factors. Mg concentrations of open-field samples could not reach the 50% of on-farm samples. Macroelement supplies of the open-field stock was a key factor for antler growth.

Of microelements, concentrations of Mn and Zn reach 80% of the on-farm results. Cu supplies – for growth- are satisfying for the open-field examinations.

Why hair sample?

Mineral sources for wild ruminants are from the plans they consume, coming indirectly from the soil. Accessibility and proportion of macro and microelements may vary even within the same hunting area. As a result, laboratory analysis of plants and hair samples of dead animals may help to create a new mineral supplement or feedstuff.

Looking at the mineral content of consumed plants is a more inaccurate method, as minerals are not fully digested. The least accurate method –despite its acceptance-is the mineral content of the soil. The reason is simple: Accessibility and utilization of minerals differ between plants depending on many factors as the pH of the soil.

Why compare to on-farm hair samples?

  • Optimal feeding for antler growth
  • Mean stacking increased by 2.5-3.5 kg compared to the previous year.

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